Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beauty Queen Pageant Hair

Back in the day my mom and I watched beauty pageants together like Miss USA and Miss Universe. My mom was hardcore, in that she kept track of the scores and all! One thing I've noticed about beauty pageants are the beautiful hair.... beautiful, bouncy hair! 

So heres a quick lil tutorial on how to achieve that big and beautiful beauty queen hair!

What you'll need:
- One and half inch hot rollers
- Teasing comb
- Working Spray/ Hairspray/ Dry shampoo

Just follow these quick and easy steps:
STEP 1. Apply your hot rollers to your hair. Curl each strand outwards, away from the face.

STEP 2. Allow your rollers to cool down. Give it about 15 minutes. Usually I apply makeup during this time.

STEP 3. Take down your rollers and brush through the curls.

STEP 4. Tease your crown to add some volume.

STEP 5. Finish off the look with maximum hold hairspray.

STEP 6. Strut your stuff like the beauty queen that you are!

The contacts I received from awhile back. I tried lookin for them on the site, but couldn't find them! They're purple lenses.


  1. Love the tutorial; you look gorgeous! =] What happen to the layout you had before?

  2. You look so beautiful! Thanks for the great tutorial, I happen to have those exact rollers but didn't know exactly what to do with them, now I do :)

  3. awesome tutorial! love your hair btw :)

  4. New follower here =)
    Love the hair tutorial. I tend to use a curling iron but this seems so much easier. I'm gonna give it a try! But I have thicker hair I wonder if 12 rollers would be enough for me, do they sell extra ones?


  5. When I think of max hold, I generally think of a hair spray that glues every piece of hair into a stiff structure. The Shielo Volume Hair Spray is not typically what I think of as max hold because my hair still has movement after spraying. This spray has a lot of oomph without gluing everything down!

    I am fan because it's allowing me to spray exactly where I need it. It doesn't clog and sprays just the right amount.

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